By Jhonatan Bonilla
Valley Stream North High School has postponed its “Spartan 4K Run/Walk,” which was scheduled for March 21st. The announcement came after Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order on the 16th directing all schools in New York to close by the 18th due to the pandemic caused by the spread of the novel COVID-19 virus.
The race had a total of 107 signed up to take part. But, since it’s been postponed, “elitefeats” a company that was hired to time their race, provide online registration and event marketing, has provided a virtual option for participants.
“Due to the situation we transitioned them to a virtual run until a better postponed date can be decided on,” said a representative of the company said. So far only 24 participants opted for the virtual option.
The executive orders that caused the postponement of the race are a reaction to the novel Coronavirus which is about to have a total of 800,000 cases worldwide with the United States having the most number of cases than any other country.
“I know people who have caught it already, from London to New York, I live in the city so I know a lot of people and only one person was serious, she was in I.C.U. for a day and then she was out,” Colin Moses, who was running the track of the nearly abandoned high school, said. The place was empty, save for the one security guard staying in his car and the landscape workers on the grounds wearing face masks. “I’m wary to give it to someone else,” Moses said.
“The governor closed all schools, gatherings were limited to 50 people at the time,” Michael Frazer, director of Valley Stream North High School, said. “We had no choice. The race is not canceled, just indefinitely postponed. We will make a decision in a month or so.”
This decision to postpone the event was well received by residents of the high school’s neighborhood.
“I think it’s a good idea, I think the whole thing, canceling everything… we’re very cautious my uncle was diagnosed with CO-VID 19, people should social distance themselves,” a member of the neighborhood said after stopping him and his dog while walking the sidewalks near the school.
Nassau County, where Valley Stream North High School is located, is the third county in New York state with the most positive cases at 7,3444, in front of Suffolk County which has 5,791 cases, but behind Westchester at 9,326 and New York City, with 37,453 cases.